Monday, July 28, 2008

its hard to remember everything that occurs when two nancys get together and they bring the sky down with them while everyone else is attempting to hold it up.  Time flies when nancies hang with los toros, and sometimes even a kangaroo gets involved, conversations lead to the end of civilization and all you can do is cry out "oh e-me e-fe he (g)" (Spanish version of OMFG), nights that lead to four o clock the following day sometimes jamming in the bathroom while flo holds on to her hat "because everybody needs something to hold ontoooooooo".  The world always goes back to normal once the nancys separate, but it won't be for long, because the Nancy House is about to be repopulated

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yesterday is Here


This is going a preview of the nancies and mancies in the new Nancy house. Can't you see it??

Saturday, July 19, 2008

what a night

wow i am stoned at a bluegrass hoedown with tim.

julp no. Neighbors. Be quiet. Whisper song. so awkward.

julp there is a big siamese cat on my lap. Wife.

julp The cat is hilarious. Cat has hitler hands. Hitler is in the phone library.

julp bluegrass ymca.

julp jesus please put my Children to sleep.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Tuesday, July 8, 2008


what did everyone do?

I went to a party that my american / german friend was throwing, jarod, at his apartment on the roof and we played beer pong and drank jello shots. i was really wasted and there werent enough americans there for me to playbeer pong with, but there ws this german chick who is swore was a prostitute. we watched som fireworks in the distance. i was supposed to be home around 11 or 12 and i ended up being back at 7 am.. we almost missed our train to berlin but luckily we caught it.

my mom was pretety mad because apparently at 2 i told her i was on my way home, but ofcourse i dont remember that.

on july 5 at the brandenburger tor in berlin, there was a huge celebration for american independence. they had bungee jumping and a bull riding contest. i didnt participate it any of it because of my immense hangover. but i had a great time nonetheless.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Love You, Mean it!

Love You, Mean it!, originally uploaded by taco_cat.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


is this a public blog? just in case it is, im writing a post, and im going to save it as a draft. read it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

flo's MASH

So accurate it's scary.

Behold... My Future
I will marry Dimitri from Anastasia.
After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in North Korea in our fabulous House.
We will have 24 kid(s) together.
Our family will zoom around in a rainbow Hot air balloon.
I will spend my days as a Bag lady, and live happily ever after.
whats your future